What Locals Love About St Lucia

In and Around St Lucia

Falling in love with St Lucia is easy, incredible weather year round. Magnificent wildlife on your doorstep and yes we mean on your doorstep. However it's all about the outdoors if you living in St Lucia.

Pristine beaches as far as the eye can see, surrounded by bush country with incredible wildlife. It's a relaxed pace living in St Lucia, one that is not dictated by time. Don't be fooled the residents wake early here just in time to go for a jog or a quick trip to the beach. Or better yet to get a glimpse of the local Leopard's that frequent the area.

Formerly known as one of South Africa's top fishing villages this quickly changed when the area was awarded World Heritage Status in 1999 (iSimangaliso Wetland Park). Busy in high season with both national and foreign visitors the town slows down tremendously in May to end June and ironically this too happens to be the best weather one could possibly imagine. This just has to be the best time to be in St Lucia for all of it's locals. While the rest of the country approaches cooler winter conditions St Lucia remains ideal for outdoor activities.

So just what do the locals get upto during this time.

Travel to Cape Vidal, this 28 km drive winds its way through various biospheres that are but just incredible. Home to the Big 4 (no Lions) with magical scenery. Once at Cape Vidal one can snorkel, fish, swim or relax at one of the numerous picnic areas.

Travel to Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park a mere 54 km's away and the oldest proclaimed game reserve in Africa home to the African Big 5. Either overnight or enjoy a full days' safari.

Don't feeling like traveling then why not just visit one of the numerous restaurants in and around St Lucia. They usually are alive with all of the locals.

Picnic's to are ideal and with numerous areas to enjoy this makes for some tremendous family time.

St Lucia Locals are used to the wildlife that frequent the area, Hippos, Nile Crocodiles, Leopard, Antelope and much more I assure you. We are nature lovers.

St Lucia remains one of the best places for fishing be it deep sea or rock and surf. The abundance of fish species is incredible not to mention the game fish that are to be found in the area.

Please do ensure that should you go fishing that you do have a fishing permit and that you also know what the bag limits are.

Tag and Release is incredibly popular.

deep sea charters cape vidal

Various areas are ideal for a Hike while in St Lucia. One such area is the Boardwalk which can be accessed from the St Lucia Ski Boat Club parking. A shorter hike yet impressive one has the opportunity of Bird life, Hippos and Crocodiles. Walk from the estuary side towards the Indian Ocean with more incredible views.

Other areas include the Igwalagwala Birding route and the hike that can be done from the Crocodile Centre.

The croc center hike is longer in distance and more wildlife. Please be aware that Buffalo, Hippo, Leopard and other wildlife are seen on these hikes so caution must be taken.

st lucia south afrca hiking areas
st lucia kwazulu natal south africa accommodation
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Top Attraction is the Hippo Boat Cruises at R300 pp